10 Ways to Save Money on Food

These tips on saving money on food will ease the task of your personal finance budgeting while keeping you well-fed. Even in the countries where food is relatively cheap (especially when compared to expenses on rent and transportation), food is a major expense and it is possible to save a lot of money, if you know some simple tricks how to save money on food:

1. Buy in bulk.

It is a known fact that when you buy in bulk, you get great discounts. So, plan ahead and buy in bulk all your meat, pasta, and other products that can be preserved for a long time.

2. Do not eat out.

Eating out is one of the largest holes through which your money is slipping away. At the price of one meal in a fast food restaurant you can eat at home a whole day. Luxurious restaurants are even worse – a single dinner eats your food money for a week!

3. Freeze meals.

Many people are reluctant to freeze meals because it is believed that this is not healthy food and additionally a defrozen dish does not taste as good as a freshly cooked one but if you cook in larger quantities and then split the dish into several portions and freeze it, this saves electricity and time as well.

4. Buy generic stuff.

Branded goods tend to be more expensive and what is worse – very often they are not better than their generic counterparts.

5. Preserve food.

In addition to freezing dishes for subsequent use a couple of days later, you can preserve it for a longer time in jars. It is a hard work to do but you can save a lot if you preserve fruits and vegetables in summer, when they are cheap and use them in winter, when they cost more.

6. Grow your own fruits and vegs.

Depending on where you live, you might not be able to grow your own fruits and vegs. For instance, if you live in an apartment in the city, the idea to grow your own fruits and vegetables is unrealistic but if you live in a house and you can start your own garden – do it. You will both save money and enjoy healthier fruits and vegetables.

7. Use leftovers.

You might be tempted to throw leftovers away but actually this is wrong because you can use them as a basis for a brand new dish. For instance, yesterday’s pasta can be used in a soup or in a casserole and the dish will be really delicious.

8. Have a vegetarian day once a week.

Meat is a major money eater. Additionally, it is not healthy to eat meat too often. If you decide that you will have at least one vegetarian day a week, you can save a lot.

9. Buy ethnic food.

Ethnic food (Chinese, Mexican, etc.) is much cheaper than the mass food sold at the supermarkets. Besides, there are many healthy and really delicious foods you can find in ethnic food shops.

10. Do not use food as a stress-reliever.

Finally, do not use food as a stress-reliever. Many people eat not because they are hungry but because they are either under pressure, or have nothing else to do. If you eliminate eating as a stress-reliever, you might be able to save as much as $100 a month (not to mention the incredible health benefits)!
