Entrepreneurship is not easy. Being an entrepreneur means assuming all the responsibilities and obligations. You may as an entrepreneur you must work harder than anyone else in your business, may initially revenue do you think about giving again and again, you may have to do a thousand things at the same time if you want to see your business flourish… then Why Start a Business owner? If we start to ask each entrepreneur what was the reason that prompted them to start their business, probably we will find many different answers, but we could synthesize all these answers into four main reasons.
Surely if you’ve started a business, or are considering doing so, you will feel identify with one (or some) of these four reasons…
1. Money
On the one hand, many starting entrepreneurs need; that is, because they have a sustainable source of income and are in business an opportunity to start earning money. And, on the other hand, there are those entrepreneurs who feel dissatisfied with your current salary and want to win more.
Whether one or the other option, it is clear that money is a strong motivation for many entrepreneurs. And this is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it is important to be ambitious when undertaking, provided that ambition does not become greed. «A person without ambition is like a bird without wings.»
2. Freedom
There are people who do not fit the pre-established support structures and not have someone telling them what to do over. They are irreverent and with a very strong spirit of liberty. They are people who want to own their own time and who can not imagine a life following a routine. The project is also an opportunity to obtain the freedom that many crave. Maybe at first a business requires us to work 16 hours a day, but there is always the satisfaction of working on our own ideas and projects.
Many entrepreneurs earn even less than they would in a job with fixed hours and wages, but for them it is worth more be masters of their time and know they are working for their dreams… Your freedom is priceless. «I do not want to work for a company … I want to create one.»
3. Passion
While most people in our society prefer to ignore what your heart tells you, there are entrepreneurs who are willing to devote all their time, effort and energy on what really passionate about. These entrepreneurs are not willing to devote their time to work in jobs that they find boring. They want to live a life full of passion and challenges. They know exactly what they want to do … and they do! Life is too short to have the wrong job. If you feel dissatisfied with what you’re doing today, probably your heart is making an invitation to undertake. Follow your passions; they know the way. Why work at anything if we can work on what really excites us?
4. Transcending
And finally, there are a select group of entrepreneurs whose mission is to make their mark in this world. They do not want to be someone else, they want to have a before and after its passage through this world. They want to transcend. The goal of these entrepreneurs is not to create large companies, but solve big problems. His business initiatives are not limited to generate income, but literally generate a change in society. Do not go after money, they go after a dream. They are visionary people who are willing to devote his life to building innovative solutions to problems of our environment. «Being the richest man in the cemetery means nothing to me. I go to bed at night knowing that I did something extraordinary is what matters most to me.» – Steve Jobs